We recognize that all of our patients are unique, and deserve to receive dental care that reflects their individual needs. Our experienced and talented dental team is committed to working with you and your family to create a comfortable, stress-free and rewarding dental experience every time you visit our practice.
We are pleased to welcome you and your family, and we look forward to working with you.

Name: Dawn
Position: Dental Hygienist
Years in Dentistry: 34 years so far and still going.
Favorite Part of Dentistry: When I am treating patients, especially new patients who may have had bad experiences in previous practices, tell me after the visit is over that it was the best experience they have ever had! It is very rewarding for a hygienist to hear that.
Dream Vacation: I want to see it all! Go all around the world with my husband and experience different cultures.
Favorite Food: I'm a foodie I love it all!
Fun Fact: Netlfix Junky!
Name: Euridiss
Position: Dental Hygienist
Years in Dentistry: 28 Years; 9 years as a dental hygienist.
Favorite Part of Dentistry: Seeing visual changes in patients' oral health & guiding them towards overall good health.
Dream Vacation: Tuscany
Favorite Food: Indian Food
Fun Fact: NY Rangers Fanatic- " I want to be an NHL player when I grow up!"

Name: Renay
Position: Dental Hygienist
Years in Dentistry: over 30 years
Favorite Part of Dentistry: I enjoy helping patients achieve their best health and cosmetic goals.
Dream Vacation: Hawaii
Favorite Food: I like all food!
Fun Fact: I enjoy wine tasting and spending time with family and friends.
Administrative Team

Name: Pati
Position: Office Manager
Years in Dentistry: 15+ Years
Favorite Part of Dentistry: Changing a person's smile, and how it can lead to higher self-esteem.
Dream Vacation: Santorini, Greece
Favorite Food: Traditional Colombian Food
Fun Fact: I am an experienced camper.
Name: Ewelina
Position: Administrator/Marketing Coordinator
Years in Dentistry: 3 years as a Dental Technician, 11 years as an Administrator
Favorite Part of Dentistry: I love seeing how a smile can change a patient's life.
Dream Vacation: A trip to Tahiti.
Favorite Food: Sushi & Traditional Polish Cuisine
Fun Fact: I danced in Polish American Folk Dance Company for 8 years.
Name: Maria
Position: Administrator/Hygiene Coordinator
Years in Dentistry: 9 years as a Dental Assistant. 12 years as an Administrator
Favorite Part of Dentistry: Being part of a fun and caring dental team.
Dream Vacation: Alaska
Favorite Food: Cheeseburger
Fun Fact: I love to laugh!
Name: Michele
Position: Administrator/Financial Coordinator
Years in Dentistry: 38+ Years
Favorite Part of Dentistry: Helping patients.
Dream Vacation: Greece
Favorite Food: Steak
Fun Fact: I love to go on vacation!
Name: Lynn
Position: Dental Assistant
Years in Dentistry: 30+ Years
Favorite Part of Dentistry: Dental Assisting is an exciting and rewarding career.
Dream Vacation: More like a bucket list... midwest cattle drive!
Favorite Food: Pizza/Italian
Fun Fact: I love any type of fishing, the beach, baking and crafting.
Name: Mia
Position: Clinical Manager
Years in Dentistry: 30+ Years
Favorite Part of Dentistry: To be a part of taking a patient that whor smiled before because of insecurities about their teeth, to a patient who can't stop smiling because they love their teeth is a wonderful feeling! Very rewarding!
Dream Vacation: The Amalfi Coast and Greece
Favorite Food: Italian and Seafood.
Fun Fact: I love the beach, and have a beautiful waterfront cabana in Atlantic Beach that I enjoy spending time at with my family and friends. I am also a big lover of all animals and try to help rescues whenever possible.